recent news
Invited Talk at TechBlick Boston
Boston, MA -- Our team was recognized with an Invited Talk to present on our novel 'photonic inks' for semiconductor manufacturing.
Our technology enables both the silicon photonics and printed electronics industries with a novel method of creating active opto-electronic components such as lasers, LEDS, and detectors using high-quality semiconducting nanomaterials.
Iris Light wins Department of Energy STTR – Phase II
Iris Light and Argonne National Laboratory have teamed up in this DOE Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase II. In this project, we will continue to advance our unique method of making printed opto-electronic active components on silicon chips. The prime impact targeted is a new manufacturing method of producing on-chip lasers for energy-efficient data centers.
Invited Talk at IEEE RAPID (Photonics in Defense)
Miramar, FL -- Our team has been recognized with an Invited Talk by the conference organizing committee to present on our novel 'photonic inks' for semiconductor manufacturing.
Our technology enables both the silicon photonics and printed electronics industries with a novel method of creating active opto-electronic components such as lasers, LEDS, and detectors using high-quality semiconducting nanomaterials.
Iris Light hosts a booth at NextFlex Innovation Days
Santa Clara, CA -- We took our show on the road and demonstrated our latest printed electronics devices to printed electronics
industry leaders.
Iris Light is a proud member of NextFlex, a consortium dedicated to advancing US manufacturing capability in Printed Electronics.
NextFlex®, America’s Flexible Hybrid Electronics (FHE) Manufacturing Institute, is a leading force in the Manufacturing USA network. Formed through a cooperative agreement between the US Department of Defense (DoD) and FlexTech Alliance, NextFlex is a consortium of companies, academic institutions, non-profits, and state, local, and federal governments with a shared goal of advancing US manufacturing of FHE. Since its formation in 2015, NextFlex’s elite team of thought leaders, educators, problem solvers, and manufacturers have come together to collectively facilitate innovation, narrow the manufacturing workforce gap, and promote sustainable manufacturing ecosystems.
Iris Light selected into the Techstars Space Accelerator & receives investment
Los Angeles, CA -- The accelerator, which runs in partnership with the United States Space Force and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, is focused on the next generation of space technology companies from adjacent industries (i.e., automotive, agriculture, energy, mining, finance, and manufacturing) that seek access to the aerospace industry as a primary go-to-market channel, and technologies that can be applied commercially into the space and aerospace sectors (i.e., autonomy, robotics, etc).
Iris Light selected to participate in Luminate 2021
Iris Light is proud to join Luminate, the world's leading accelerator for optics and photonics technologies based in Rochester, NY. Rochester has a long-standing influence in the industry, ranging from household names such as Kodak, Xerox, Bausch and Lomb, to the recent addition of AIM Photonics (silicon photonics), and the academic power of the University of Rochester (featuring an entire college dedicated to optics) and Rochester Institute of Technology (home to one of the first microelectronics degrees). The region is host to hundreds of optics companies and thousands of optics professionals. Iris Light receives mentorship from industry leaders, industry connections, programming, and much more.
Iris Light secures US Air Force STTR – Phase I contract with University of Arizona
Iris Light and the University of Arizona were selected to for an AFWERX Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) contract to create on-chip frequency combs based on Iris proprietary photonic inks and U. Arizona comb tech.
Iris Light wins NSF SBIR – Phase II
We are primed to impact the multi-billion silicon photonics industry with this new NSF Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II. In this project, we will both conduct commercial pilots (get in touch!), as well as continue to advance our unique ink method of making active opto-electronic components on silicon chips.
Iris Light to present at FLEX at Semicon West
San Francisco, CA -- We will be presenting a 30 min talk on the our novel 'photonic inks' and their use for the printed electronics industry.
Our technology enables a novel method of creating active opto-electronic components such as lasers, LEDS, and detectors by printing high-quality semiconducting nanomaterials.
Iris Light presents at Techstars Space Demo Day
Los Angeles, CA -- At this capstone event, CEO Chad Husko demonstrated Iris Light's unique semiconductor manufacturing technology using active inks to an array of aerospace industry experts, federal stakeholders, investors, and fellow founders.
The accelerator, which runs in partnership with the United States Space Force and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, is focused on the next generation of space technology companies from adjacent industries (i.e., automotive, agriculture, energy, mining, finance, and manufacturing) that seek access to the aerospace industry as a primary go-to-market channel, and technologies that can be applied commercially into the space and aerospace sectors (i.e., autonomy, robotics, etc).